Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What is a crush?

Crushes. We all have them. You know who I'm talking about, every time you see them you turn into a giggly mess, you actually LOVE every little thing about them, they are PERFECT! Here I was, starting at my new school.

 Everything was just fine and dandy for a few months when BAM! Right in the middle of November 2015 everything changed. I had noticed him for a while, he was kinda hot and I may be guilty of staring at him a few *cough*bazillion*cough* times. I've had crushes before, but this one hit me harder than the morning after eating Taco Bell. Every time I saw him I smiled and giggled, then proceeded to feel awkward and power-walk away.

Luckily, I was somehow considered popular. One day the most popular girl in my class, arguably the most popular girl in our grade was also one of my best friends. She is super nice and at recess we always talk. She offered to talk to my crush for me, which is great. So, who was your first crush? Let me know in the comments below!

-Shining Tween

Sunday, December 13, 2015

My Thoughts on Dress Code

For starters, I'm not against Dress Code. I think if a school wants to enforce some rules, go for it. When I start to have a problem with Dress Code is when something me, a 5th grader, wants to wear, is against dress code because it is thought of sexually. This is Elementary school!

 If someone looks at my exposed shoulder and it distracts them, that isn't my problem. If it's 95ยบ out, I'm gonna wear a tank top. There is a difference between a girl wearing a tank top and shorts that are 3-inches above the knee when it's hot outside and a kid coming into school with a crop top and daisy dukes with holes in them. I think I've done enough ranting for now, so I'll just end this post before I go on a rampage and scream at every school administrator I see. 

-Shining Tween ∞


Hey, everyone! There is now an official Shining Tween Twitter account. Go follow @shining_tween for updates and extras :)

Monday, November 30, 2015

First Post ^_^

Hey! I'm Shining Tween :)

I'm going to be blogging all about growing up, just one catch... I'm still doing it. For all those days, I learned something, or I just need to vent, it will all be on this blog. I'm so excited to be able to help girls just like me and learn some stuff from other people. This blog is gonna be like one big family, so don't forget to comment, follow, and share!

xoxo, Shining Tween <3